Sociology Resources
- Sociology Associations
- American Men's Studies Association
- Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology
- Eastern Sociological Association
- International Society for the Sociology of Religion
- International Sociological Association
- Midwest Sociological Society
- North Central Sociological Association
- Pacific Sociological Association
- Sociologists for Women in Society
- Southwestern Social Science Association
- Western Social Science Association
- UNC Library Resources
Wendy Highby is the research contact at the UNC library for sociology students. You can contact her for an appointment (, 970-351-1530) or drop by her office. Office hours are typically M-F, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. except Thursday afternoon.
Below are some sociological resources she would like to highlight:
- UNC Library
- Sociology Research Guide
- UNC has a subscription to the American Psychological Associations' PsycTests database.
- Streaming Video - UNC has several streaming video databases. The ones with the most Sociology-related content are:
- Resources
- Annual Reviews: Follow the publication links to an on-line version of the Annual Review of Sociology. Volumes can be searched by author or keywords.
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics, an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor, offers employment/unemployment information, the Monthly Labor Review and links to principal U.S. federal statistical agencies.
- Gallup: Poll results in areas such as the economy, politics, social issues and managing workplaces.
- General Social Survey (GSS) is a personal interview survey of U.S. households conducted by the National Opinion Research Center. Search all years of the GSS for variables of interest, obtain lists of GSS publications and download GSS datasets.
- INFOMINE (Scholarly Internet Resource Collections): A comprehensive reference tool.
- Library of Congress
- Modern Language Association: Select MLA Style and then Frequently Asked Questions about MLA Style. Note the question about documenting sources on the web. The answer provides sample entries for some common kinds of web sources.
- My Facts Page: Links to essential references including currency and unit converters, encyclopedias, telephone books, biographical sources and databases.
- American National Election Studies: Data on voting, public opinion and political participation. Searchable by keyword.
- National Science Foundation’s directorate for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, which includes a grant proposal guide and a list of funding opportunities.
- The New York Times: News stories and search options.
- Office of Justice Programs, part of the U.S. Department of Justice, offers information about state contacts as well as funding opportunities.
- Center for Teaching & Learning at The University of Texas at Austin: A guidebook for preparing a teaching portfolio.
- The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID): A longitudinal survey (since 1968) of a representative sample of U.S. individuals and their families. Provides data and a list of publications.
- Population Index: Allows user to browse and search Population Index (1986-2000).
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Offers
data, reports and grant information. - Union of Concerned Scientists: A non-profit alliance of scientists and citizens working for a healthy environment and a safe world. Includes Tips on Contacting Legislators.
- U.S. Census Bureau: Population data.
- U.S. Postal Service: Select Zip Codes to find codes for street addresses.
- Making Change at Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart Watch is a joint project of The Center for Community & Corporate Ethics and its advocacy arm, Five Stones. It began its nationwide campaign in 2005 “to challenge the world’s largest retailer to become a better employer, neighbor, and corporate citizen.”
- World Bank’s World Development Report: Includes case studies and recommendations.
- World Health Organization (WHO): Select Reports to get the World Health Report and Related Links to get the Virtual Reference Desk. Includes governance, disease outbreaks and employment information.
- WWW Virtual Library - Sociology: A site with links to many sociological resources.
- Sociological Tour through Cyberspace: This site features commentary, data analysis (hey, we've become a "factoid" culture), occasional essays.
The majority of the above websites are from the ANNOTATED LIST OF FAVORITE WEB SITES compiled by Jan Marie Fritz and Fatma Belgin Gumru.